Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thank You

I feel different and embodied with a radiant sense of calmness. It’s about 4:05pm and engulfing with thanks for all life has provided.

A week ago Rhonda Byrne introduced us to what we call “Thank You Thursday”
( and I continue to say, I’m so grateful that you reading this today. You hold a special place in my heart.


From The Secret Daily Teachings - Thank You Thursday.

“Today is Thank You Thursday. Today and every Thursday is your day to say and feel “Thank you” in as many ways as you can.

Write a list of all the people and events you want to give thanks for.

Return thanks today to those who have done things for you.

As you walk say “Thank you” in your mind with each step you take.

As you drive, make each time you stop your cue to say “Thank you.”

At various times in the day, think and feel “Thank you” inside you seven times in a row.

Look for every opportunity to say “Thank you” to other people, and say it with so much meaning that the person looks right at you.

Thank your way through every Thursday, and make “Thank you” your predominant thought, feeling, and words of the day.

“Thank you” - two words, inconceivable potential power, and all they need is you to put the power into them by expressing them.

Thank you!”

Let’s all take a minute or two to say out loud the 20 things… we are so grateful for at the moment.
And as I relax in my chair, I couldn’t help but notice that I became a different person altogether after that exercise.

Thank you, Danke schone, Gracias, Merci, Asante, Webale nyoo.... you make e a better person

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