Monday, December 29, 2008

Be patient and live with the knowledge that all you are searching for is certain to come if you prepare for it and expect it.

Last year (2007) I really believed that I could do, have and be whatever I wanted. I remember the way I used to feel. There was no limit to what my future could bring. I honestly don’t think I have felt that kind of freedom and joy in years… and at times I questioned myself through out this year what happen? Had I perhaps lost sight of my dreams?

But yet again, I had spent half of last year being employed… this year I started moving the small steps of creating my own “Empire” :-). Little did I know how tough building a business would be. Mann... this has stretched all my nerves.

God on my side and reflecting on his goodness in my life, I resolved to spend less time making a living and to spend are more time creating a life.
I started thinking about my dreams for a change focusing on questions like WHY DO I DO WHAT I DO?

Jonas Salk said it best when he wrote: I have had dreams and I have had nightmares. I have overcome the nightmares because of my dreams.

When I look back and think how I have been able to go through the whole year, I reflect on a lot of stuff. Expanding my imagination has been one of my main focuses throughout 2008. I have come to realize that things and situations are created twice. First, in the mind and then in reality. It is said that anything that is created in your outside world began as a blue print in your inner world.
Understanding the magnitude of this theory made me think twice. The starting point of magnificent transformation was mental fitness. Wow…I came to realize that the mind is a wonderful servant… but a terrible master.

Winston Churchill said that, The Price of Greatness is responsibility over each thought.

You either use your mind or lose it!

I now understand that I’m more than my current circumstances and am expecting the best. I have learnt to see the seeds of opportunity in my painful experiences.
I have learnt to forget about the past and pressured myself to dare to dream.

Of recent, all I want is to celebrate life again with all its wonders and make things happen.

1 comment:

fickleepak said...

That is great stuff sis..great stuff.