Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Grateful, In owe, prayerful, questioning, hopeful, love, miracle, insurance these are some of the words running through my thoughts at the moment

Friday, April 9, 2010

Here are the simple truths of life according to Linda Ellis.

1. Honesty
2. First Impressions
3. Loss
4. Optimism
5. Growing Up
6. Stress
7. Marriage
8. Forgiveness
9. Simplicity
10. Fun
11. Success
12. Regret
13. Time

When Linda Ellis wrote her poem, The Dash, in one afternoon in 1996, it would change her life forever. In 239 words, she captured the "Simple Truths" of why we were put on this earth. That's why we are proud to bring Linda's talent back with her second book titled, Simple Truths of Life.

It's a wonderful collection of stories, great quotes and, of course, Linda's original poems that present the simple truths of life in a very engaging way! Here is a sampling of the chapters within this beautiful gift book:

The beauty of this book is that it is the perfect gift for so many occasions - holidays and celebrations, as well as times of need such as grieving the loss of a loved one, for anyone going through a rough patch. It truly is about the simple truths of life that we all live day in and day out. We take the good with the bad and how we respond to each situation will determine our happiness in life. It is an inspirational book that will be treasured by anyone who reads it. We hope you enjoy watching The Simple Truths of Life!

Embrace life with a smile.

GOD has a sense of HUMOR


Holla People, I think i should share Billy's wisdom with you. ARE YOU THERE YET????

The world is looking for strong visionary leaders. Will you be one of them?

You are not born a leader or appointed a leader; leadership is developed. To get there means stepping up to the next level. And leading at the next level involves these key elements:

1. Learn It – You cannot teach something that you haven’t learned yourself. To lead in any arena you have got to start at the ground floor and learn every aspect of the game.

2. Live It – Leaders eat, live, breathe and sleep their vision and mission. They wake up with it on their mind and go to sleep with it in their heart. It becomes part of who they are as a person.

3. Share It – Leaders teach what they learn. As soon as they learn it they share it with others, and it is a practice they repeat daily. If you aren’t sharing what you learned you aren’t a leader.

4. Guard It – Leadership is a mental game. Leaders guard their mind from negative thinking. I have never seen a negative leader. Jack Welch, the legendary former chairman of G.E., summed it up in saying, “Nothing of great significance has ever been achieved by a pessimist.”

5. Replace It – A leader’s job is not to find followers – it is to find other leaders. There will always be plenty of followers. You must keep your pipeline full of “A” players who have the potential to lead. The worse place you can be is irreplaceable because this means you can never grow to the next level.

6. Embrace It – The world is moving at the fastest pace in history. Leaders must embrace change because the game is constantly changing. Technology changes, marketing condition change and the consumer has never had access to more knowledge. Today’s leaders must be transparent, lay it out on the table and be willing to do whatever it takes to stay ahead of the game and get the job done.

7. Believe It – Leaders must believe in the vision wholeheartedly. Napoleon said, “Leaders are dealers in hope.” You must believe that the future is greater than the past and you must spread this belief to everyone you come in contact with.

8. Edify It – Leaders are encouragers who constantly build up others. You must be a person who has an encouraging heart and is sincere about this encouragement. People will work harder for praise and recognition than they will for money alone. You must also build up the mission behind the vision and the other leaders around you. If you are jealous of those above you it will show and those below you will be jealous of you. If you talk poorly about those above you, you can expect the same from those below you. You will reap what you sow.

9. Act It – This means you’ve got to take action. John Quincy Adams said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, become more … you are a leader.” Leaders don’t wait until they get a promotion to lead; they get a promotion because they are playing the part first. If you don’t know how, ask yourself: “What would I do if I were a leader?” Then act as if you are a leader and you will become it.

10. Mentor It – There are people who know more than you do. Accept it! You take a giant step in leadership when you recognize there are others that know more than you do. Listen to them and learn from them. If you are the smartest person in your group you need a new group.

You just received the magic formula, the secret recipe for leading at a higher level. Knowledge is only power when it is applied. Apply these steps to become a leader and you will be a key player in developing more leaders and in making the world a better place. Once again, the world is looking for strong visionary leaders. Will you be one of them?

Print Article: Ten Elements of Successful Leaders

Check out Billy's website and free resources
Billy Cox International
and follow Billy on Twitter

Thursday, April 1, 2010


"Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future."
-- Paul Boese

"The greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it."
-- Epicurus

"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."
-- T.S. Eliot

"A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner."
-- English proverb

"To succeed in life in today's world, you must have the will and tenacity to finish the job."
-- Chin-Ning Chu

"Everything you reprove in another, you must carefully avoid in yourself."
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero, statesman

Coincidence or Divine Direction?

Just a reminder of the integrity moment.

An old friend's life had taken a dramatic turn from our last conversation. He had sold his business and began using his persuasive personality to convince others to be generous.

As we talked, he stunned me by pointing out God had used me in his transition. He went on to say, "Had I not met you, and the people you introduced me to, I would have never landed in this role.

Romans 8:30 teaches, "And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified."

Isn't God's plan fascinating? He uses many people to lead us towards His goal. If you have doubts of your value, don't forget God uses us for His glory.

From :- Integrity Resource Center