Tuesday, January 18, 2011

You know what buddies, I just can’t stop thinking how too often our minds are locked on one path. We are looking for red – so we over look blue.

I have read a beautiful quote from John Turner that states, Nobel prizes have been washed down the drain because some one did not expect the unexpected. WOW!

Let’s think about it this way, a mountain watercourse that flows down the peak often has to alter from year to year. Fallen branches, dead leaves and dislodged rocks can make the mountain change from season to season. So each season the water must form a different path on its journey to the valley.

Imagine that… there is a different path for each season.

How like the stream are you? I want to encourage you to think of this day as the landscape on the mountainside of your life. You are the stream. If you had a choice, would you look for the path that keeps you deep-rooted in well-known and unproductive ways of doing things? OR would you be willing to flow down a new path – one that holds unpredictable twists and turns that may encourage you to approach things differently?

Please understand that life involves change. So the possibility of doing things the same way over and over again is nearly impossible. While the predictable path may feel more comfortable, it goes against the nature of change and growth. The unpredictable course however flows with nature, as it guides you to a viewpoint that’s focused on flexibility rather than resistance.

I hope you choose to be flexible as water. I pray that you become more enthusiastic to explore the unpredictable path of your live.

Big Hugs

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Take the first Step.

Seated in front of my workstation and thinking of the most excellent way I can explain the post i have just read from Julie Ziglar Norman.
Countless times we take for granted the power of first steps, but nobody explains it better at the moment than Julie. It’s simple it’s clear, it’s exact.
Please take sometime to read this and pass it on to your friends OR encourage them to visit my blog.

Much love,

Mastering your Moxie
By Julie Ziglar Norman

My father, Zig Ziglar, in regards to planning for my future, has always told me that if I never took the first step, I would never take the second step. He assures me that I don’t have to be great to start but that I do have to start to be great, that anything worth doing is worth doing poorly until I learn to do it well, and that I should move ahead as far as I can see, in other words – do what is front of me to do – and then I will be able to see farther.

He talks a lot about people who don’t want to make a plan because without a plan there is nothing to indicate they didn’t succeed. Dad also insists that without a target, you have nothing to shoot for. Which brings me to the point of this article – I have learned through the years that a woman needs Moxie to see her plans through and a man needs Mojo to persist until his mission is accomplished.

Moxie and Mojo are not Zig Ziglar terms, though they have been around as long as he has, but they are the best words I can find to describe that little something extra that gives us the ability to see our dreams through to completion. Moxie and Mojo are that added “edge” to confidence that a task started will be a task completed.

Moxie and/or Mojo build strength with each success. The more Moxie you have, the more Moxie you get. I’ll use the example of my desire to show hunters at the “A” level of horse showing when I was a young teenager. I started showing on a snowflake Appaloosa. My mare could jump extremely well, she had lovely gaits and always jumped a clean, quiet round. However, no matter how well she did, we would never win a class because of her color.

I had won enough ribbons on my mare to know that I could do even better if I had a horse that fit what the judges of that time were looking for. That little bit of Moxie gave me the courage to sell my beloved mare and shop for a new mount. My new horse was a winner! I paid the price of letting go of what wasn’t working well for my goals, but I enjoyed the benefits of having done the hard - and right for me - thing.

New endeavors can be frightening, but if you are someone who is looking at making big changes in the New Year, I encourage you to see what lies ahead as an opportunity to build your Moxie or your Mojo. I can in good faith tell you that taking that first step is an absolute must and that once that step is taken….you will be able to see – and go – farther

"He Who Fails to Plan, Plans to Fail"

As said by Tom Ziglar...Food for thought!

Ready for 2011?
Are You Sure?

If you are like most people, you made some New Year's Resolutions over the holidays. You may not have called them that, but you probably decided to make some changes this year.

Why Most New Year's Resolutions NEVER Come to Pass...

With more "down-time" than usual during the holidays, business owners have a chance to reflect on the past year and do some thinking and planning. Once they get back into the daily grind, it all goes to pot. The reason is that you need more than just a "resolution" - you need a PLAN.

"Resolution to Reality"

Do you have a complete, clearly-defined, written 12-month business plan? Sadly, most small business owners don't. Sad, because a focused plan can make the difference between barely getting by and huge success. Now, I'm not talking about a boring, formal business plan like the ones you find online...I'm talking about a real "working plan" that you can follow through 2011.

One that's Actually PROVEN to Work!

I have probably introduced you to a colleague of ours before - Howard Partridge - but let me tell you more about him. Howard has been affiliated with Ziglar for a number of years and is a real product of the product. He started his carpet cleaning company out of the trunk of his car over 26 years ago and built it up to a consistent $2.5 million per year. For over a decade, Howard has been showing small business owners how to break free from the demands of their everyday business and transform it into a predictable, profitable, turn-key operation.

If YOU Would Like to...

Get yourself and your business more organized...
Have a complete, 12-month business plan for 2011 and beyond...
and you want to have a predictable, profitable, turn-key operation...

Remember that the ONLY reason your business exists is to help you achieve your LIFE GOALS. There is no other reason your business exists. It is THE vehicle that you have chosen to take you on your success journey. Shouldn't you have a plan? Shouldn't you have a map? Isn't your future worth doing it right?

"He Who Fails to Plan, Plans to Fail"

Tom Ziglar
Proud son of Zig Ziglar

Sunday, January 2, 2011

i recommend this article

Set Your Goals, Change Your Life & Celebrate!
By Zig Ziglar

Studies tell us that only 3% of people in the USA set goals, and they are among the wealthiest people in the nation! Worldwide the percentage is probably lower. Why so low? There are several reasons, but the one that concerns me the most is lack of know-how. When we ask people why they don’t set goals they often say, “I don’t know how.”

Isn’t that remarkable? We send children to school for 12 years in America before they graduate from high school. Many of them go on to trade schools, colleges and universities. We teach them many important disciplines including history, economics, literature, science, and so forth, but we miss one critically important skill: goal setting. We award them their degrees, pat them on their backs, and send them into the world full of wisdom, but ill-prepared, almost always, to design and pursue the lives they really want.

And all that’s required to change this deficiency is a single semester, even half a semester, devoted to teaching goal setting. It doesn’t seem likely that we’re going to change the American educational system any time soon, or the world’s educational system, but that’s not going to stop me from teaching you how to set goals.

The letters and phone calls that I receive are social proof that our goal setting programs work. I know that goal setting will help you change your life for the better, it will help you get what you really want from life. And when you do, that’s reason for all of us to celebrate! Whether you’re already a goal setter, you used to set goals and quit, or you’ve never set goals, this lesson will help you build a better life.

Step 1. Dream! Let your imagination run wild while you fill up a blank sheet of paper with everything you want to be, do or have. Many adults have lost their ability to dream and that’s unfortunate. By dreaming you instill hope for your future, and with hope there’s possibility. So your assignment this week is to dream. During this next week devote at least two private sessions to dreaming. I want you to create a Dream List filled with ideas. Your list should include at least 25 dreams about what you want to be, do or have.

Step 2. After you complete your list, wait 24 to 48 hours and read each item on your list and answer the question: Why? If you can’t verbalize in one sentence why you want to be, do or have this dream, then it’s not a dream and it won’ become a goal. Cross it off your list.

Step 3: Ask the following five questions of every dream on the Dream List you created last week.

1. Is it really MY goal?
2. Is it morally right and fair to everyone concerned?
3. Is it consistent with my other goals?
4. Can I emotionally commit myself to finish this goal?
5. Can I “see” myself reaching this goal?

You must answer “yes” to all five questions for each goal, or cross that goal off your list.

Here are some points to ponder: Is it really MY goal or is it a goal someone else wants me to pursue? Is it the right thing to do? Will achieving this goal distract from achieving other goals? Goals are often difficult to achieve. Are you sure you can make the commitment to pursue this goal and see it through? If you can’t “see” yourself reaching this goal, you probably won’t.

Take time during this week to think about the questions above and answer them. Once you’re finished, your Dream List will probably be a bit shorter than when you started out. That’s okay because you’re now closer to identifying the goals that you really will pursue and can achieve.

Step 4: Ask the following seven questions of every dream that remains on your Dream List (or goals list).

Will reaching this goal . . .
1. make me happier?
2. make me healthier?
3. make me more prosperous?
4. win me more friends?
5. give me peace of mind?
6. make me more secure?
7. improve my relationships with others?

If you can’t answer “Yes” to at least one of these questions for each goal, eliminate that goal from your list. Be sure to consider your family when you answer these questions. And do not confuse pleasure with happiness!

Here we go with Step 5: After asking the questions posted in Step 4 you will have eliminated some of your goals. Actually, they were not goals, just thoughts or desires at this point, so you’re better off without them.

Separate your remaining list of goals into one of three categories: Short-range (one month or less to achieve this goal), Intermediate (one month to one year to achieve this goal), or Long-range (one year or more to achieve this goal).

This step will help you quickly determine whether or not you have a balanced perspective between what needs to be done now, versus your dreams for the future.

Remember: Some goals must be BIG to make you stretch and grow to your full potential. Some goals must be long-range to keep you on track and greatly reduce the possibility of short-range frustrations. Some goals must be small and daily to keep you disciplined. Some goals must be ongoing. Some goals (i.e., weight loss, sales success, education, etc.) may require analysis and consultation to determine where you are before you can set the goals. Most goals should be specific. A “nice home” is not as good as a “3,000 square-foot, Tudor- style home with four bedrooms, three full baths, and two living spaces.”

Here we go with the final step: After specifically identifying your goals, write them down! It is important that you have a written list of your specific goals. Then you will begin to do the daily, weekly action steps that will take you closer to achieving that goal. Be selective. You may not be able to work on all of your goals at one time! Don,t over do it. If you only have time to complete one or two goals for the remainder of this year, don’t apologize. Do a little bit more than you think you can, but do not overextend your time to the point that you don’t complete any of your goals. Do not get frustrated by the process! Work the system and it will work for you. I can fill a book with the number of letters that I receive about the effectiveness of this simple goal-setting program. Trust the system.

Once you have identified your goals and plotted the activities that you intend to do to fulfill your goals, pat yourself on the back! You have just spent more time planning your future than most of your friends, relatives or associates will ever invest! Good for you.


Saturday, January 1, 2011


"You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must
plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win."
— Zig Ziglar: Motivational author and speaker

"Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound."
-- James Allen

"Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like
most people won't, so that you can spend the
rest of your life like most people can't."
— Unknown Author

"A ship in port is safe, but that's not what ships are built for."
-- Grace Hopper, American Computer Scientist