Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hi People! lets chat

What a great day that we have ahead of us.

As I sit at my desk, I cant help but be thankful for all this technology coming our way. I became a twitter-er of recent and it's amazing how much inspired I get in a minute. Of course I consider greatly who to follow for my own sake.

If you are not yet a Twitter-er... you could think of joining the massive team of sales and marketing guys, Speakers, believers, web geniuses ...blah, blah, Blah

While at it, have fun with all you do.
Smiling, Kat

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Its 11:02am, sitting on my bed I write & plan in detail what I want to happen in Twenty-Ten. I can picture some of you asking… do people still do that? Well I have learnt that LIFE ONLY GIVES YOU WHAT YOU ASK OF IT.

2009 was a year I decided to go BOLD because the previous year was tough and demanding. I needed Boldness to go through Twenty-nine. Surprisingly, it was the year I accomplished more in my career but I felt like the most miserable human being on planet earth. And as the year ended, I was convinced that I had to step back and let God work in me. I had no idea what lay ahead but I knew who holds the future.

Despite the fact that I was knocked down a lot in Twenty-Eight, I made some big commitments for twenty-nine and while I could not figure out how they will be accomplished I was bold enough to try.
Jack Canfield one of my mentors says, you can expect to accomplish 50-60% of all goals you set on a daily, monthly or yearly basis. If you accomplish above 60% that’s excellent but one should try to reach higher heights.
So things may not go as planned from time to time but with Zeal & Determination, all things work together for good for those who Love the Lord.
Sooo…when I set my twenty-nine goals they where way ahead of my me and as a matter of fact they seemed hopeless because when I shared some of my ambitions with a close friend then, He laughed and asked how I will be able to afford it. Once again I have learnt the importance of setting goals, writing them down and speaking them out loud. The truth is, most of them may seem impossible at the beginning but with great believe and commitment to do you best...the universe works its way round to those who have faith.

Let me break it down, this year I improved my Sales and Marketing skills, I worked really hard and resumed the habit of saving, I went to South-Africa during the Easter season, I went to church with out ceasing, I went to Nairobi, I’m planning a great get-a-way holiday to Europe for the Christmas and new-years break… all of which were included in my 2009 resolutions. I may have accomplished 6 out of 10 but I am proud because most of these were way out of my league. Some I failed at… some I didn’t manage to accomplish but I’m glad I did something.

This year has been full great moments and I’m so grateful for the encouragement from my family, friends, workmates and my church, I’m thankful for the new friends I have made, the skills I have learnt, the trips I have made, times I have spent in grand hotels, and so on… but yet I am so looking forward to Twenty-10 the year I have decided to call DARING for I know that the best is yet to come. There could be some Hills and Valleys but I Know God will see me through plus I can Do all Things through Christ Who strengthens me.

Please note that when sharing your dream people may laugh, they may think you are crazy, as a matter of fact; I once again shared part of my plans and goals to one of my close cousin and friend the other day and she unashamedly told me that it was going to be next to impossible. The truth is I was hurt and offended but an INNER VOICE told me this makes things right because what seems Impossible with Men is Possible with God. Plus this proved that I HAVE Set GOALS higher that myself. Isn’t that what life is all about?

Why did I write this????? To help you know that indeed if you believe in life so bad it will reward you in abundance and even though you are required to fall a number of times you will count your blessing on a daily and monthly basis if you persist.

LOVE IS LIFE…If you miss LOVE you miss LIFE.

I look forward to Twenty-10 the year in which I have set myself to be Daring in my thoughts and actions.

Grateful & believing,

If you want to share your 2009 story on MY Blog to help others live a better
TWENTY -10, email me at

Friday, November 13, 2009

Some of My favorite quotes this month.

*Sometimes God has to stop a life in order for Him to step in.
Les Brown

*To do well you must be good, and to do good you must first be good. good Stephen Covey

*Suffering is more than just pain. Suffering occurs in another realm where western medicine can’t peer through its microscopes. You can be completely cured of an illness and still be suffering – suffering from the anguish of the treatment, from the fear of mortality, from the fact that it has disrupted your whole life. Dr. Deepak Chopra.

*There is a God. He is behind you, He believes in you, and cares about you. He wouldn’t have created you, and then left you alone. Jack Canfield

*Even though your heart gets broken, it is better to love and be vulnerable.
Jack Canfield

*Act the way you want to be and soon you’ll be the way you act. Les Brown