Thursday, December 18, 2008


My…my…my…what an enormous power we have with Nature’s Greatest Gift, “The Mind”.
William James said; “Most people live – whether physically, intellectually or morally - in a very restricted circle of their potential being. We all have reservoirs of life to draw upon which we do not dream.

The way I think stems from my habits and that is pure, simple and complete.

Researchers say that, An average person on an average day runs about 60,000 (Sixty thousand) thoughts through his/her mind... 60,000 thoughts!
Now, 95% of those thoughts are the same as the ones you thought the day before!
Imagine that...!

So people who think the same thoughts everyday, most of them negative have fallen into bad mental habits. Now this is what i refer to as the brutality of poor thinking.

Rather than focusing on all the good in our lives and think of ways to make things better we become captives of our past and this blocks a huge potential of our minds to work the supernatural and bring into us all that we want emotionally, physically and spiritually.

My mind is said to be more like a garden that needs to be nurtured and cultivated for it to bloom far beyond expectation.

A question is then asked: Would you go into your flower bed and throw poisonous waste over all your Roses?

I have come to believe in the importance of caring for my mind. So I do understand that when I sit down and worry, I drain from my mind much power and sooner or later my soul will be injured therefore removing lasting peace and harmony in me.

I have therefore decided that I must stand guard to my consciousness and let only the best information enter. I should do more that exist to awaken the flames of my human potential.

Don’t let weeds grow around your Greatest Gift. And remember there are no mistakes in life, Only lessons.

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