Thursday, December 4, 2008


It was 3:40 am and so awake because of the disturbing dream I had. Knowing who I am in Christ I went into a period of praying and meditation. For what seemed like hours I commanded my subconscious to transform its thoughts from fear to calmness and serenity.

The longer I prayed, the more I came to realize that my own spirit had become rusty. What had happened to me? Back then even the simplest things filled me with believe.

Can this be true? Is it time to reinvent my destiny? My mind, soul, and body are open for this new invention. I empty my glass for my desire 0f knowledge that will help me expand to the workings that attain self-mastery.

I know that it’s important for me to fill my mind with insights on the meaning of life and understand how Personal-mastery & Self-responsibility will keep me from the chaos of crisis charactered world today.
New habits and life-styles have to begin to associate with my inner world. So in order to get more joy and spontaneous, grow more energetic and creative with each passing day, I need to apply new techniques to cultivate a deep sense of peace and inner serenity.

I need to feel I can do anything, be anything and unlock the infinite potential that is inside of me. I need to cherish life once again.
The world and that includes my inner world is a very special place. I have come to see that success on the outside means nothing unless you have success with-in.

A wise man once said: “There is a big difference between well-being and being well-off.”

How can I care for others if I can’t care for myself? How can I do good if I don’ti feel good? It's only when i have mastered the art of loving self that i can truly love others. It's only when i open my own heart that i can touch the hearts of others. When i feel centered and alive, am in a much better position to be a better person.

I’m ready for an experience like never before to the powers of the universe.

When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

As I sit on my chair quietly, I realize how small the world is, the life coaches that help improve my life on a daily basis, the vast knowledge in all the books I have read.
How will I feel to gain my zest for living? Could there be a higher calling than this? With all the heavy considerations of my mind… I sit and take time to think about my life.

Take a trip with me to a trip of understanding self- mastery and responsibility.

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