Thursday, December 4, 2008


In his Book “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, Robin. S. Sharma narrated this story: Page 34

He started to pour tea into my waiting cup. He poured until the cup was full _ but then he kept on pouring! Tea started to trickle down the sides of my cup and onto the saucer, then onto my wife’s prized Persian rug. At first I watched silently. Then I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Julian, what are you doing? My cup is overflowing. No matter how hard you try, no more will go in!” I yelled impatiently.

He looked at me for a long moment. “Please don’t take this the wrong way. I really respect you, I always have. However, just like this cup you seem to be full of your own ideas. And how can anymore go in… until you first empty your cup?”

I too was stuck by the truth of this knowledge. This little story is so right.
Life experiences have filled my cup to the brim. I need to empty it to increase my creative soul and keeping my vision live.

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