Thursday, December 4, 2008


On your death bed, you will never wish you spent more time in your office.

I too have walked this path, my friend; I too have felt the pain of being captured by work. Yet I have learn't that everything happens for a reason.
Yogi Krishnan once said that “Every event has a Purpose and Every Setback its Lessons.”
Failure whether of personal, professional, or even of a spiritual kind is essential for personal expansion. It brings inner growth. Our past is a teacher and we should learn to embrace it as just that.

How then can I learn to build a fuller life? Is there any holistic system that can profoundly improve one’s quality Of life? By this I mean Mind, Body and Soul?

Some journeys, we have to make alone. For the past week I have silently reflected on where I have been in this life and where I was now heading.
At times I have slowly ventured out of the cocoon of the ordinary and began to explore the realm of the extra-ordinary. Life is all about choices. One’s destiny unfolds according to the choices one makes.

I have realized, I need to stop giving excuses of an out of balance life-style.

We have been turned into “slaves” by work toiling away in our offices, thinking we have the world by the tail, blinded by an illusory version of success.
We drive ourselves deeper into the ground as if we have some death wish.
Nothing ever satisfying us. We still have not found whatever we are wishing for and it shows mentally, physically and spiritually. Our spark of life begins to flicker. You feel no passion for what you are doing and feel enveloped by emptiness.

What then do we have to do to rekindle that sparkle that we have lost?
How can one retain and maintain their youthful, energetic, vital life in today’s world?
Can we perform duties with easy, grace and kindness?

We all have to find the sanctuary where a broken spirit would slowly start to heal. A place where you would rekindle the fire for living that you had known before it all faded away. A sanctuary full of simplicity, serenity and harmony.

As for me, I believe the best is yet to come and am willing to give up some stuff to re-energize my life?

What Next?

Well… One’s destiny unfolds according to the choices one makes... May be it’s time for me to reinvent my destiny.
Living with a passion!

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