Monday, December 29, 2008

I was slipping through the pages when I read the wise sayings from Yogi Raman.

What an honor to share them with you and hopefully these will help you focus in 2009.

When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary projects, all of your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitation, your conscious expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”

…Be inspired by great thoughts in 2009 and live with a passion.

All the best.

Be patient and live with the knowledge that all you are searching for is certain to come if you prepare for it and expect it.

Last year (2007) I really believed that I could do, have and be whatever I wanted. I remember the way I used to feel. There was no limit to what my future could bring. I honestly don’t think I have felt that kind of freedom and joy in years… and at times I questioned myself through out this year what happen? Had I perhaps lost sight of my dreams?

But yet again, I had spent half of last year being employed… this year I started moving the small steps of creating my own “Empire” :-). Little did I know how tough building a business would be. Mann... this has stretched all my nerves.

God on my side and reflecting on his goodness in my life, I resolved to spend less time making a living and to spend are more time creating a life.
I started thinking about my dreams for a change focusing on questions like WHY DO I DO WHAT I DO?

Jonas Salk said it best when he wrote: I have had dreams and I have had nightmares. I have overcome the nightmares because of my dreams.

When I look back and think how I have been able to go through the whole year, I reflect on a lot of stuff. Expanding my imagination has been one of my main focuses throughout 2008. I have come to realize that things and situations are created twice. First, in the mind and then in reality. It is said that anything that is created in your outside world began as a blue print in your inner world.
Understanding the magnitude of this theory made me think twice. The starting point of magnificent transformation was mental fitness. Wow…I came to realize that the mind is a wonderful servant… but a terrible master.

Winston Churchill said that, The Price of Greatness is responsibility over each thought.

You either use your mind or lose it!

I now understand that I’m more than my current circumstances and am expecting the best. I have learnt to see the seeds of opportunity in my painful experiences.
I have learnt to forget about the past and pressured myself to dare to dream.

Of recent, all I want is to celebrate life again with all its wonders and make things happen.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Newsletter

Dear friend,

There is much to be thankful for during this Christmas season for me. I am doing fine and still having my trots four to five times a week, which improves my strength, balance, and stamina.
I also play basket-ball to improve my skills. Life has been fulfilling in the little things that have happened to me. I have found True Fulfillment that has brought Joy and Happiness in my life.

My family is doing great and God’s provision has been enormous.

Business is still really slow but this won’t slow me down or keep me from reaching my highest potential in new ways. I don’t want to use ANY excuse for not doing something I am supposed to do. I have been extremely blessed to have different coaches and mentors through out this year who have been my role models.
There have been great openings and some doors have been shut but I still believe that the best is ahead of me. Some things you can change and some you can't. It's a fact that you cannot change a single event that has already happened. Tomorrow, however, is an entirely different matter.

We humans tend chase & search for Joy & Happiness when we should be searching for Fulfillment. I have learnt to search for fulfillment throughout 2008. This change has been good for me because I had to face the fact that change is inevitable but can be positive and beneficial.

A great man once said, you build a successful career, regardless of your field of endeavor, by the dozens of little things you do on and off the job.

No matter what your emotional limitations, they can never limit your character...unless you let them.

As I embrace the waterfall journey for the coming year I believe that if I’m willing to change my thinking today, I can change my life and my living to make my tomorrow better and brighter.

One last piece of big news, Thanks to my niece and nephew, I can now ride a bicycle and there is a great story behind it.
Am ready for the adventures of life in 2009 and hopefully this will include climbing a mountain, roller skating, and learning how to ride a motorbike.

Don’t forget to pray this festive season. "When you go to church, good things happen!"

As Zig Ziglar says, "Coincidence is just God's way of staying anonymous."

Embrace life and keep believing.

Merry Christmas!

Live with a passion,
Katherine Lungiwe

p.s. If you want to leave a comment, click comment at the bottom of this newsletter.

You can also visit for inspirational notes from my mentors and coaches.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


My…my…my…what an enormous power we have with Nature’s Greatest Gift, “The Mind”.
William James said; “Most people live – whether physically, intellectually or morally - in a very restricted circle of their potential being. We all have reservoirs of life to draw upon which we do not dream.

The way I think stems from my habits and that is pure, simple and complete.

Researchers say that, An average person on an average day runs about 60,000 (Sixty thousand) thoughts through his/her mind... 60,000 thoughts!
Now, 95% of those thoughts are the same as the ones you thought the day before!
Imagine that...!

So people who think the same thoughts everyday, most of them negative have fallen into bad mental habits. Now this is what i refer to as the brutality of poor thinking.

Rather than focusing on all the good in our lives and think of ways to make things better we become captives of our past and this blocks a huge potential of our minds to work the supernatural and bring into us all that we want emotionally, physically and spiritually.

My mind is said to be more like a garden that needs to be nurtured and cultivated for it to bloom far beyond expectation.

A question is then asked: Would you go into your flower bed and throw poisonous waste over all your Roses?

I have come to believe in the importance of caring for my mind. So I do understand that when I sit down and worry, I drain from my mind much power and sooner or later my soul will be injured therefore removing lasting peace and harmony in me.

I have therefore decided that I must stand guard to my consciousness and let only the best information enter. I should do more that exist to awaken the flames of my human potential.

Don’t let weeds grow around your Greatest Gift. And remember there are no mistakes in life, Only lessons.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


It was 3:40 am and so awake because of the disturbing dream I had. Knowing who I am in Christ I went into a period of praying and meditation. For what seemed like hours I commanded my subconscious to transform its thoughts from fear to calmness and serenity.

The longer I prayed, the more I came to realize that my own spirit had become rusty. What had happened to me? Back then even the simplest things filled me with believe.

Can this be true? Is it time to reinvent my destiny? My mind, soul, and body are open for this new invention. I empty my glass for my desire 0f knowledge that will help me expand to the workings that attain self-mastery.

I know that it’s important for me to fill my mind with insights on the meaning of life and understand how Personal-mastery & Self-responsibility will keep me from the chaos of crisis charactered world today.
New habits and life-styles have to begin to associate with my inner world. So in order to get more joy and spontaneous, grow more energetic and creative with each passing day, I need to apply new techniques to cultivate a deep sense of peace and inner serenity.

I need to feel I can do anything, be anything and unlock the infinite potential that is inside of me. I need to cherish life once again.
The world and that includes my inner world is a very special place. I have come to see that success on the outside means nothing unless you have success with-in.

A wise man once said: “There is a big difference between well-being and being well-off.”

How can I care for others if I can’t care for myself? How can I do good if I don’ti feel good? It's only when i have mastered the art of loving self that i can truly love others. It's only when i open my own heart that i can touch the hearts of others. When i feel centered and alive, am in a much better position to be a better person.

I’m ready for an experience like never before to the powers of the universe.

When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

As I sit on my chair quietly, I realize how small the world is, the life coaches that help improve my life on a daily basis, the vast knowledge in all the books I have read.
How will I feel to gain my zest for living? Could there be a higher calling than this? With all the heavy considerations of my mind… I sit and take time to think about my life.

Take a trip with me to a trip of understanding self- mastery and responsibility.


In his Book “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, Robin. S. Sharma narrated this story: Page 34

He started to pour tea into my waiting cup. He poured until the cup was full _ but then he kept on pouring! Tea started to trickle down the sides of my cup and onto the saucer, then onto my wife’s prized Persian rug. At first I watched silently. Then I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Julian, what are you doing? My cup is overflowing. No matter how hard you try, no more will go in!” I yelled impatiently.

He looked at me for a long moment. “Please don’t take this the wrong way. I really respect you, I always have. However, just like this cup you seem to be full of your own ideas. And how can anymore go in… until you first empty your cup?”

I too was stuck by the truth of this knowledge. This little story is so right.
Life experiences have filled my cup to the brim. I need to empty it to increase my creative soul and keeping my vision live.

Thank You

I feel different and embodied with a radiant sense of calmness. It’s about 4:05pm and engulfing with thanks for all life has provided.

A week ago Rhonda Byrne introduced us to what we call “Thank You Thursday”
( and I continue to say, I’m so grateful that you reading this today. You hold a special place in my heart.


From The Secret Daily Teachings - Thank You Thursday.

“Today is Thank You Thursday. Today and every Thursday is your day to say and feel “Thank you” in as many ways as you can.

Write a list of all the people and events you want to give thanks for.

Return thanks today to those who have done things for you.

As you walk say “Thank you” in your mind with each step you take.

As you drive, make each time you stop your cue to say “Thank you.”

At various times in the day, think and feel “Thank you” inside you seven times in a row.

Look for every opportunity to say “Thank you” to other people, and say it with so much meaning that the person looks right at you.

Thank your way through every Thursday, and make “Thank you” your predominant thought, feeling, and words of the day.

“Thank you” - two words, inconceivable potential power, and all they need is you to put the power into them by expressing them.

Thank you!”

Let’s all take a minute or two to say out loud the 20 things… we are so grateful for at the moment.
And as I relax in my chair, I couldn’t help but notice that I became a different person altogether after that exercise.

Thank you, Danke schone, Gracias, Merci, Asante, Webale nyoo.... you make e a better person


On your death bed, you will never wish you spent more time in your office.

I too have walked this path, my friend; I too have felt the pain of being captured by work. Yet I have learn't that everything happens for a reason.
Yogi Krishnan once said that “Every event has a Purpose and Every Setback its Lessons.”
Failure whether of personal, professional, or even of a spiritual kind is essential for personal expansion. It brings inner growth. Our past is a teacher and we should learn to embrace it as just that.

How then can I learn to build a fuller life? Is there any holistic system that can profoundly improve one’s quality Of life? By this I mean Mind, Body and Soul?

Some journeys, we have to make alone. For the past week I have silently reflected on where I have been in this life and where I was now heading.
At times I have slowly ventured out of the cocoon of the ordinary and began to explore the realm of the extra-ordinary. Life is all about choices. One’s destiny unfolds according to the choices one makes.

I have realized, I need to stop giving excuses of an out of balance life-style.

We have been turned into “slaves” by work toiling away in our offices, thinking we have the world by the tail, blinded by an illusory version of success.
We drive ourselves deeper into the ground as if we have some death wish.
Nothing ever satisfying us. We still have not found whatever we are wishing for and it shows mentally, physically and spiritually. Our spark of life begins to flicker. You feel no passion for what you are doing and feel enveloped by emptiness.

What then do we have to do to rekindle that sparkle that we have lost?
How can one retain and maintain their youthful, energetic, vital life in today’s world?
Can we perform duties with easy, grace and kindness?

We all have to find the sanctuary where a broken spirit would slowly start to heal. A place where you would rekindle the fire for living that you had known before it all faded away. A sanctuary full of simplicity, serenity and harmony.

As for me, I believe the best is yet to come and am willing to give up some stuff to re-energize my life?

What Next?

Well… One’s destiny unfolds according to the choices one makes... May be it’s time for me to reinvent my destiny.
Living with a passion!