Friday, March 22, 2013

I have got to tell you what happened yesterday.

Just before that, let me fill you in with my previous word blue-print.
Before I moved to this place, I happened to chat about how I strongly expected to bump into one of my old friends. Anyways, I mentioned it then completely forgot about it.

UMMMMMMhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess what happened yesterday?
You got it right, as I crossed the road, somebody shouted out my name the African style <<<<>>>>
As you can imagine to my shock, I couldn't figure who that could be… if this was my motherland I would understand. The thing is, I didn't expect it here… SO it was a GOOD surprise. :-)

Well at the end of it all, it was that old friend I expected to bump into right before I relocated.
Jeez! I learn on a daily basis to speak positive affirmations and dreams that will benefit and improve my life and those I care about.

On different note, yesterday’s dinner was something new to me. My housemate went ahead and introduced me to what they call yams (Please note: what they call yam here is completely different from our yams back at home). They are pretty hard even when cooked well. Will I eat them again…??? That’s another story to tell.

Have a Good Friday.



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