Thursday, March 21, 2013

Oh what an adrenaline-charged journey relocating can be!

YES!!!!!! It’s been a weeeeeeeeeeee while BUT I’m back to tell you all about my new life.
So, talk about blessed, happy, fortunate and favored!" As a stranger in the new land, there is some catching up to do.

I have come to realize that a journey is defined as going from one place to another. It’s a pilgrimage, a discovery, a destination.
My life has been on a journey that has grown from small beginnings to beautiful experience.
Can’t wait to tell you all about it.

Once again, I extend my first blog of the year to my best of the bests… GOD
Much love for all you are bringing into my life. I’m left speechless and in total owe.

To all you fabulous people.
Cheers. K

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