Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Clarity has amazing strength. When one is clear about something the have to do, they posses amazing ability to do so much more in life.

Recently I realized I had gained some weight. Not too much…but I had gained a little …:-).
It was clear I had to do something about it. As can be expected, I’m one of those fellas! So I made a personal decision to loss it the right-way.

I made it clear to my sub-conscious and drafted down ways in which I could act. I have since decided to walk for one or two hours for the first 10 days. Then break it down to 45 mins - 1 hr the rest of the month.
I have resorted to a morning or evening trot and I look forward each day.
Fortunately for me, walking is a passion so I don’t feel pushed to do it.

Take some time off today and write down some personal decisions that will help you be a better person. Have fun doing it. This Power of Clarity can transform and refresh your life."

N.B. Many times, personal decisions don't wait for the picture to be clarified.

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