Tuesday, November 25, 2008


It’s totally true that timing is everything; however we must try and have a balanced life.

Many of us get so confused that we seem not to see our unbalanced lives; we have become so absolved at work, having little or no time for anything else.

Let’s take some time out to review these questions:

When is the last time you celebrated life with your close friends?
When is the last time you went to church or found spiritual awakening?
When is the last time you volunteered at a community event?
When is the last time you spent some time with your family?
Or when is the last time you appreciated nature?
When is the last time you exercised?
When is the last time you smiled?

C'mon! Let's celebrate life and divide our time wisely.
We all have 24hours a day. How we use this time makes all the difference in life.

Wouldn't you like to have more time available to get more done? To make more money and have more time to spend doing the things you like, and being with the people that make you happy?It's easy... become the master of your time. We are the masters of our fate… we reap what we sow, so let’s manage our time wisely.

Read more about: The Three Factors of Time. By Brian Tracy on www.klungiwe.wordpress.com