Friday, August 17, 2012

How close are you to achieving your 2012 goals? The Jack Canfield Coaching Team

Have you reached a roadblock that you can't overcome? If so, you may need to re–examine whether your thoughts and visions align with what you truly want in your life. By focusing on this, you will be able to identify the changes you need to make in order to take the next step.

Jack says that in order to succeed you need:

A clear intent Set specific, measurable goals, and objectives.
Positive expectation - Move forward with the full expectation that you will achieve what you're seeking.
Take action and persevere Act with confidence without letting excuses or fear get in your way.
Build your success team Surround yourself with individuals that are experts in the areas that you are focusing on, and let them provide you with support, expertise, and guidance.

Believe it's possible – Sometimes we forget to envision our success and instead we focus on the problems at hand. We put our attention on roadblockseither real or imaginedrather than making sure that the path ahead is clear. Take a few minutes each day to envision the successful version of you. Having this mindset will motivate you and increase your self-confidence so you do not second guess yourself.

Believe in yourself The choice of what to believe in is up to you. No matter how many people say you can't, or how many doors appear closed, you must believe that you can succeed no matter what.

Control your reaction How are you reacting to your current circumstances? Remember that you only have control over 3 things: Your behavior, your thoughts, and the images in your mind. If you have encountered a challenge or a major setback, it's easy to throw blame and disassociate yourself from your responsibility. Fortunately, you have a choice. You can see every difficult event as a negative, or choose to see it for what it could be: something that is meant to enrich you, make you stronger, and motivate you to move forward.

Take action! There's rarely a "perfect time to do anything. So if you're waiting for the "perfect time to launch a business, buy a home, start investing, lose weight, or anything else that's important to you, then it may never happen. Although it's important to be prepared, it's detrimental to waste your valuable time over preparing and over analyzing your game plan.

Maintain your momentum! Change can be difficult and uncomfortable which is why we tend to become stagnant in our lives and stay in our comfort zone. Remember, it's perfectly fine to learn from your mistakes and it's imperative to make the necessary corrections, which will allow you to keep moving forward. To hear more from Jack on maintaining your momentum, view the new video Jack has released: "Staying on Track for Success.

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