Thursday, April 12, 2012

communicating effectively

When it comes to important communication, most of us spend the bulk of our time worrying about what we are going to say: the words we'll use and the way those words fit together to express whatever it is we are trying to get across.

But when it comes to powerful, effective communication, the truth is how you say your words matters far more than the words themselves!

I'm talking about your voice.

That's right! The way your voice sounds is an unbelievably critical component in any successful communication.

Research has shown that the words you speak account for about 7 percent of what makes you believable to someone else. Just 7 percent!

So what accounts for the other 93%? Tonality and physiology: the way you sound when you're communicating and what your body is doing while you're communicating.

Here's why:

The instant you begin speaking, people listening to you begin to form very definite opinions and judgments about your intelligence, your personality, your sincerity, your authority, your abilities, your background, and more.

These opinions begin to form and solidify within the first five seconds of your speech - long before the actual words you're saying begin to take on any significant meaning for the listener. And once established, they can be extremely difficult to change. Even when the words you're saying completely contradict the message your tonality is sending.

That's why even the most carefully worded, painstakingly practiced speech, presentation, or conversation can go completely awry.

Communicate with charisma, clarity, and absolute precision,
using the secret weapon of the stars!

People who use their voice to make a living - like actors, singers, radio personalities, motivational speakers, and politicians - are acutely aware of this. They know that if they want to succeed, they need to be able to communicate clearly and precisely, and they need to be able to accurately predict their audiences' reactions and opinions.

You may not be a movie star or public speaker. And you may never have given more than a passing thought to the sound of your voice. But the fact is, you're constantly communicating with "audiences" of one kind or another: your clients, colleagues, kids, spouse, and all the other people you encounter throughout the course of a day.

Your level of achievement, happiness, and satisfaction in life is directly related to the outcomes of those communications.

If you want them to be as successful as possible, it is vital that you gain control of the one factor that, more than any other, determines communication success...

...your voice.