Tuesday, February 24, 2009


The Five Roads to Financial Success and How to Choose Your Own

There are basically five ways that you can become wealthy starting with nothing based on over 25 years of research into American millionaires.

Number one.
You can inherit it. Less than 10 percent of wealthy Americans inherited any of their money, and it's less and less every single year.

The Second Way.
The second way that you can become wealthy is you can achieve it professionally.

The Third Way.
The third way you can achieve it is you can become a senior executive of a large corporation.

The Fourth Way.
You can win it.

The Best Way.
The fifth way that you can become wealthy is you can start your own business and earn it all by yourself. Starting your own business has been and will always be the high road to becoming wealthy for most self-made millionaires.
This is why it has been said that if you have the ability to start your own business and you don't do it, you are a fool.

Where do you start?
You start by getting your finances under control. The very first thing you do is you make a decision to get your finances under control. Some years ago, a man named George Classon wrote a book called The Richest Man In Babylon. It's a classic on financial success and what Classon said in that book was that the key to becoming wealthy is to pay yourself first. Take ten percent off your earnings, off your gross income every month and put it aside.
Learn to live on ninety percent or less of your gross income. So the very first thing that you do is you begin to save your money.

Find the more of this article at klungiwe.wordpress.com


Anonymous said...

Wow Kathy! I highly appreciate your pieces of advice. The Lord has chosen you to be a blessing to people. Keep on keeping on. He will reward you handsomely.

Thank u soooo much!!!

J. Kasule

Anonymous said...

Great stuff....working on the fifth way.
