Monday, August 23, 2010

Leadership in the 21st Century.

Jack Welch says, "Genuine leadership comes from the quality of your vision and your ability to spark others to extraordinary performance."

I can not agree more.
It is said that there are two basic types of leadership in business today, transactional and transformational.
Transactional leadership is the ability to direct people, manage resources, and get the job done.
Transformational leadership, the most important form of leadership today, is the ability to motivate, inspire, and bring people to higher levels of performance.

You know..., perhaps the most important thing to do as a leader is to be a good role model. We need to Lead by example. Walk the talk. Live the life. Always carry yourself as though everyone is watching, even when no one is watching.
Good leaders are completely reliable. People can take them at their word and trust that they will do what they say. They make promises carefully, and then always keep their word.
We need to touch people emotionally, to empower them to be more and to contribute more than they ever have before.
That is exceptional leadership in the 21st century.

Be the Change
One love

Friday, August 6, 2010

food for thought

Open letter. By Angela Hill - www.
An open letter to all the first time visitors to Uganda,

1. Please stop moving in herds.
2. People here aren’t going to hurt you. The worst that will happen is you will be relieved of that expensive watch you shouldn’t be wearing anyway.
3. No one is looking to give anyone food poisoning, especially not you, sick people make for bad restaurant business.
4. Stop paying excessively and tipping, especially in local establishments. I know you think you are doing a good thing, but you are driving up the costs of things for locals,
5. Do not pay people for their photos, unless they are street performers and then only maybe. If they say ‘no, I don’t want my picture taken’ then walk away.
6. Stop calling them the slums of Kampala, the area is called Kisenyi and in it are people’s homes. How would you like someone to call your neighbourhood a slum?
7. Don’t do things you aren’t trained for. If you are an arts student, don’t provide medical ‘advice’ in the ‘slums (see 6).’ People here deserve the same level of care that you would like to receive.
8. Please if you are only coming to preach or feel good about yourself, stay home. People here need doctors and nurses and money, they don’t need to be told by some white person that their needs will be met if they pray. There are enough local priests and pastors here to tell them that.
9. If you want your church dollars to be put to good use, help support local hospitals or schools. Why are there two brand new, very expensive looking churches next to a hospital that is falling apart and can hardly afford to pay staff? People here can pray anywhere, surgery cannot be performed outside. The good news is when people die from a lack of care, they’ll have a nice place for a funeral … if they can afford it.

My question is, if you are afraid of being here, why did you come?
Really take a deep breath, get out past the gates and sanitized accommodation and enjoy Kampala and the countryside of Uganda, it’s called the Pearl of Africa for a reason. Be a tourist and support the local economy as that will help more than you can imagine.

Thank you,
Freelance journalist/photographer

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


It’s August!! Smart Bang!!!

We are past the mid of the year 2010 and yet thus far I’m here once again to remind you to “BE WHAT YOU ARE, THIS IS THE FIRST STEP TOWARD BECOMING BETTER THAN YOU.”

Keep in mind... **God has given you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Remember to use one to say Thank you or Please.

Sounds great doesn't it?


Monday, August 2, 2010


Lying to others reveals the truth about yourself ~ Roseanne Colonna Venturino

How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. Wayne Dyer

A person starts to live when he can live outside himself. Einstein


Listen to what Mahatma Gandhi said, It is difficult, but not impossible, to conduct strictly honest business. WHO WOULDN'T WANT TO BE A PART SUCH!!

Think about it.

Love ya


Seriously, Passion is by no means a one way road.

You have got to have excitement in all you do. Many times I see people go to work and complain on a regular basis how things appear dreadful. I learnt long time ago that life is passionate and we should respond in the same way.
The thing with passion is… it always comes back you. You will be pretty stunned what happens when you practice being passionate about doing stuff.
My wish for you is to open your eyes and heart and see how good things can be if you let them.

This craze is more like a boomerang. I dare you!

Love ya’s